CCS CCA Rules 1965 MCQs | Quiz | Mock Test Q&A | Postal LDCE IPO Exam MCQ -Test 1


CCS CCA Rules 1965 MCQs | Quiz | Mock Test Q&A | Postal LDCE IPO Exam MCQ -Test 2

Hello friends, I will discuss 25 Multiple Choice Question Answers on CCS CCA Rule 1965 for the upcoming IP exam. This topic is in the paper III of the IP exam syllabus. I am sharing the chapter-wise mock test in this section. So there will be many sets in this chapter. There will be at least 7 to 12 questions on this topic in the main IPO exam. It is crucial to practice all sets of questions with online mock tests.

If you do not have the PDF of CCS CCA Rule 1965 then download it from here PDF.

If you want to download this Mock Test as a PDF then download it at the end of this post after your online test is done.

Explanation Of Answers to These Questions On CCS CCA Rules 1965

1. Removal from service is NOT a minor penalty under Rule 11 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, as it is classified as a major penalty that results in termination of employment.

2. The CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 apply to all central government civil servants, including those in Group A, B, and C positions, Defence employees but do not apply to members of the All India Services or state government employees, Railways employees & A government servant remaining 30 days before his superannuation.

Under Rule 10 of the CCS CCA Rules, 1965, a government servant placed under suspension pending disciplinary proceedings can remain suspended for a maximum of 90 days without a review. After this period, the suspension must be reviewed; if not, it is automatically deemed revoked.

Download CCS CCA Rule 1995 MCQs Mock Test

If you have any doubts or queries about the answers then feel free to contact us. You can also comment here sharing your views and thoughts regarding the preparation of your IPO Exam. If you want more mock tests and MCQs on THE CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL AND APPEAL) Rule 1965 then ask me in the comment section.

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